The team from Olympic joined Scott Equipment at last week’s BioCycle 2018 event in San Diego for 3 days of insight into Organics Recycling; specifically, Food Waste.  Several topics where covered including current/future projects, legislative drivers, industry hurdles, processing capabilities, composting, anaerobic digestion, etc.


Our takeaway is that the era of food waste diversion and recycling is now full steam ahead.  Many organizations including composters, waste haulers, organics recyclers, and waste water treatment plants are now taking a proactive approach to the task at hand: Diverting Food Waste from our landfills.  To put in simple terms, these organizations collect and process the food waste which produces organic fractions know as slurry or mash that are used in composting, animal feed, and anaerobic digestion operations.


It can take months, if not years, to educate waste customers and make changes to behavior which poses significant obstacles: food waste in often contaminated with excess plastics, paper, textiles, and metal.  Without contamination levels of 1% or less, the organic fraction is of little use.  Strict regulations on contamination levels for compost, fuel for digestors, and feed for animals means that processors must efficiently process Food Waste with specialized equipment like the Scott Turbo Separator.  While there are several technologies including the Doda, Tiger, and Smicon; only the Scott Turbo Separator has proven capable of depackaging contaminated post-consumer food waste to useable levels of .5% or less.  The Turbo’s durable, American made design is leading the pack and provides solutions for those taking organics recycling by the horns.


Feel free to reach out for more information on the Scott Turbo Separator and how it can revolutionize your food waste operation. or call me at (424) 443-8537